Create a dataset using the console

To create a auto learning model you lot must first have a representative drove of data to train with. Use the console (or API) to create an empty dataset and import your information into the dataset. After importing data y'all tin can make modifications and get-go model training.

For more information about import file formats for specific data types and objectives, see the following pages:

  • Preparing epitome data
  • Preparing tabular data
  • Preparing text information
  • Preparing video information

Create a dataset and import or associate your information

Utilize the following instructions to create an empty dataset and either import or associate your data.


  1. In the Google Cloud Panel, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Datasets page.

    Become to the Datasets page

  2. Click Create to open the create dataset details page.
  3. Change the Dataset proper name field to create a descriptive dataset display name.
  4. Select the tab for your data type.
    select data type
  5. Subsequently choosing the data type, select your model's objective. Objective options depend on the data blazon you selected.
  6. Select a region from the Region driblet-down listing.
  7. Click Create to create your empty dataset, and accelerate to the data import folio.
  8. Choose ane of the post-obit options from the Select an import method section:

    Upload data from your computer

    1. In the Select an import method department, choose to upload data from your computer.
    2. Click Select files and choose all the local files to upload to a Cloud Storage bucket.
    3. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Scan to cull a Cloud Storage bucket location to upload your information to.

    Upload an import file from your computer

    1. Click Upload an import file from your computer.
    2. Click Select files and cull the local import file to upload to a Cloud Storage bucket.
    3. In the Select a Cloud Storage path department click Scan to choose a Cloud Storage bucket location to upload your file to.

    Select an import file from Cloud Storage

    1. Click Select an import file from Cloud Storage.
    2. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Browse to choose the import file in Deject Storage.
  9. Click Continue.

    Data import tin have several hours, depending on the size of your data. Yous can close this tab and return to it later. You will receive an email when your data is imported.


  1. In the Google Cloud Console, in the Vertex AI section, get to the Datasets page.

    Get to the Datasets folio

  2. Click Create to open the create dataset details folio.
  3. Modify the Dataset proper name field to create a descriptive dataset brandish name.
  4. Select the Tabular tab.
  5. Select your objective (model blazon).
  6. Select a region from the Region drop-downwards listing.
  7. If you lot want to use customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) with your dataset, open Avant-garde options and provide your primal. (Preview)
  8. Click Create to create your empty dataset, and advance to the Source tab.
  9. Choose 1 of the following options, based on your data source.

    CSV files on your reckoner

    1. Click Upload CSV files from your computer.
    2. Click Select files and choose all the local files to upload to a Deject Storage bucket.
    3. In the Select a Deject Storage path department enter the path to the Cloud Storage bucket or click Scan to choose a bucket location.

    CSV files in Cloud Storage

    1. Click Select CSV files from Deject Storage.
    2. In the Select CSV files from Cloud Storage department enter the path to the Cloud Storage bucket or click Browse to cull the location of your CSV files.

    A table or view in BigQuery

    1. Click Select a table or view from BigQuery.
    2. Enter the projection, dataset, and tabular array IDs for your input file.
  10. Click Proceed.

    Your data source is associated with your dataset.

  11. For forecasting models, on the Clarify tab, specify the Time column and the Fourth dimension series identifier column for this dataset.

    You can also specify these columns when you train your model, merely generally a forecasting dataset (Preview) has specific Fourth dimension and Time-series identifier columns, so specifying them in the dataset is a best practice.


  1. In the Google Cloud Console, in the Vertex AI department, go to the Datasets page.

    Become to the Datasets page

  2. Click Create to open the create dataset details page.
  3. Modify the Dataset proper name field to create a descriptive dataset display name.
  4. Select the tab for your data type.
    select data type
  5. After choosing the information type, select your model'south objective. Objective options depend on the data type y'all selected.
  6. Select a region from the Region drop-downward list.
  7. Click Create to create your empty dataset, and accelerate to the information import page.
  8. Cull one of the post-obit options from the Select an import method department:

    Upload data from your estimator

    1. In the Select an import method section, choose to upload information from your figurer.
    2. Click Select files and choose all the local files to upload to a Cloud Storage saucepan.
    3. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Browse to choose a Cloud Storage bucket location to upload your data to.

    Upload an import file from your computer

    1. Click Upload an import file from your computer.
    2. Click Select files and choose the local import file to upload to a Cloud Storage saucepan.
    3. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Browse to cull a Cloud Storage saucepan location to upload your file to.

    Select an import file from Cloud Storage

    1. Click Select an import file from Cloud Storage.
    2. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Browse to choose the import file in Cloud Storage.
  9. Click Continue.

    Data import can take several hours, depending on the size of your data. You can close this tab and render to it later on. You will receive an email when your data is imported.


  1. In the Google Cloud Console, in the Vertex AI section, go to the Datasets page.

    Go to the Datasets page

  2. Click Create to open the create dataset details folio.
  3. Modify the Dataset proper noun field to create a descriptive dataset display name.
  4. Select the tab for your data type.
    select data type
  5. Later on choosing the information blazon, select your model's objective. Objective options depend on the data type yous selected.
  6. Select a region from the Region drop-down list.
  7. Click Create to create your empty dataset, and advance to the information import folio.
  8. Cull one of the following options from the Select an import method department:

    Upload information from your figurer

    1. In the Select an import method section, choose to upload data from your computer.
    2. Click Select files and cull all the local files to upload to a Cloud Storage bucket.
    3. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Browse to cull a Cloud Storage bucket location to upload your data to.

    Upload an import file from your computer

    1. Click Upload an import file from your computer.
    2. Click Select files and choose the local import file to upload to a Cloud Storage bucket.
    3. In the Select a Cloud Storage path section click Browse to choose a Cloud Storage bucket location to upload your file to.

    Select an import file from Deject Storage

    1. Click Select an import file from Cloud Storage.
    2. In the Select a Deject Storage path section click Scan to choose the import file in Cloud Storage.
  9. Click Keep.

    Data import tin can take several hours, depending on the size of your data. You can close this tab and return to information technology later. You will receive an e-mail when your information is imported.

What's next

  • Edit, or add labels to your dataset using the Cloud Console.
  • Training your AutoML model using the Deject Console.
  • Grooming your AutoML Border model using the Cloud Console (paradigm and video only).